Bringing the Stairs to Life

Prepare yourselves for about 7,000 pictures of our staircase… We are REALLY thrilled with how it turned out and I find myself just standing and staring at the beautiful wood that’s come back to life. Here are a few shots of what it looked like before. Over the last 130 years, these floors have been […]
Afternoon Bathroom DIY

When I woke up this morning did I think… “huh, maybe I’ll paint the tub today.”? YOU BET I DID! All week I’ve been planning on tackling this very easy, hour long project and just haven’t gotten around to it. But with Husband working SO hard on refinishing our main staircase and family coming in […]
3rd Floor Dreamin’

Today I’m going to introduce you to the third floor… the part of the house that has been virtually untouched over the years. We don’t use it for anything other than storage at the moment but over time, we have BIG plans for this space. Simply put, the space is huge. The third floor alone […]
Meet Emma Romeiser Pannes

The second child born to Peter and Elise, Emma Romeiser was born in 1880 and was likely the darling of the family. She was brought up in high society, was said to be a gifted Soprano singer with much interest in music, and was even chosen Maid of Honor at the Belleville Flower Carnival in […]
Before and After: Living Room

Before I even get to how our living room looks now, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time (…last month), my husband was already living and working in Illinois while I was back at our old house in North Carolina packing our entire house. Packing and packing and packing. It was Box […]
It’s A Wonderful Life

Bear with me while I try to get out something that’s been rattling around in my tiny little brain for the past few weeks. I am not brave. Thus far, 2017 has been chock full of enough major life events to last a solid decade. In February, my husband deployed to Southwest Asia. Our crazy […]
Craigslist Strikes Again

It’s gotten to the point in our almost-ten year marriage where anytime my husband hears me say, “hey babe- come look at this,” he knows he’s in for an entire afternoon of hair-brainedly (that’s a word, yes?) chasing down something I found on Craigslist. Once it was a SINGLE OWNER, absolutely pristine, 100-year old Werner […]
No really– Is the Brick and Maple Haunted?

The Legend of the Romeisers: Part 2 Last week we introduced you to Roland Romeiser and his untimely, heartbreaking death at the age of 17 in 1906. Didn’t see it? Click here to get caught up first! As we mentioned, Roland was absolutely beloved by his friends, the entire town, and all family members. Particularly […]
Before and After: the Master Suite

My mother-in-law once said to me that you should take extra steps to make sure your bedroom is ridiculously comfortable… almost like a hotel. The majority of people take maybe one vacation a year and look forward to that added luxury of a hotel room. Unless you’re my husband who sometimes leaves for months on […]
Is the Brick and Maple haunted?

The Legend of the Romeisers: Part 1 Ahead of Friday the 13th and Halloween and ghost tours, we thought it would be appropriate to just BEGIN telling the saddest story surrounding our sweet house. Easily the first question we are ever asked about our house is whether or not it’s haunted, do we experience paranormal […]