Before and After: Living Room

Before I even get to how our living room looks now, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time (…last month), my husband was already living and working in Illinois while I was back at our old house in North Carolina packing our entire house. Packing and packing and packing. It was Box […]
It’s A Wonderful Life

Bear with me while I try to get out something that’s been rattling around in my tiny little brain for the past few weeks. I am not brave. Thus far, 2017 has been chock full of enough major life events to last a solid decade. In February, my husband deployed to Southwest Asia. Our crazy […]
Craigslist Strikes Again

It’s gotten to the point in our almost-ten year marriage where anytime my husband hears me say, “hey babe- come look at this,” he knows he’s in for an entire afternoon of hair-brainedly (that’s a word, yes?) chasing down something I found on Craigslist. Once it was a SINGLE OWNER, absolutely pristine, 100-year old Werner […]
Before and After: the Master Suite

My mother-in-law once said to me that you should take extra steps to make sure your bedroom is ridiculously comfortable… almost like a hotel. The majority of people take maybe one vacation a year and look forward to that added luxury of a hotel room. Unless you’re my husband who sometimes leaves for months on […]
Our first before & after: my art room

Hey y’all! As we are (…slowly) getting the house unpacked and put together, we thought it would be a fun time to go ahead and start sharing our before and after pictures with you! This first room is one of my favorites in the whole entire house. Used as a nursery by the previous owners, […]