Life in Black and White

Hi, friends! How have you been? How was your Summer? We’re still over here plugging away. In the months it’s been since I updated, we renovated the laundry room, painted the living room, and added a dishwasher. It was a busy summer. 😀 I realized a few days ago that I’ve been saving all my […]
Shopping Small on Main Street

Gooooood mornning Belleville! I’ve been woefully inferior about maintaining any sort of regular posting schedule, which I absolutely apologize for! I’ll get right on fixing that. 😉 This morning, I want to share with you an incredible photo from the Romeiser Company during their heyday! These beautiful street fairs were wildly popular… and honestly, not […]
The Belleville Library: Part II

Last week, we introduced you to the connection between the Romeisers and the Belleville Public Library. Missed the first post? Check it out here! And here… is the rest of the story. At the end of Part I, you learned about how monies from leftover Romeiser Company stock had been donated to the library by […]
“Belleville, Illinois, Illustrated”

Published by the Reid-Fitch Publishing Company in St. Louis in 1905, the ‘Belleville Illinois Illustrated’ book is a fantastic depiction of Victorian life in Belleville. It features text and photos of all the prominent businesses, structures, and homes in Belleville while also providing a little bit of history. I was so excited to find not […]
If Walls Could Talk…

Earlier this week Husband found our first artifact of any real note! In the walls of the 3rd floor, we’ve found things like a pair of pants, an old broom handle, a single baby shoe. (Which isn’t creepy AT ALL…) But this is different and special and OLD. Monday Hubs was crawling around with our […]